Mbandu Complex, Nairobi, Kenya +254726929223 info@africacelebritytours.com

Lake Mburo National Park

Lake Mburo National Park

The park’s rolling hills and open grassy valleys, interspersed with thickets, woodlands and rich wetlands, are the only place in Uganda where impala still occur and is the best place to see large herds of eland (Africa’s largest antelope).

Other antelope species include topi, bushbuck, sitatunga, common duiker, klipspringer, oribi, Defassa waterbuck and Bohor reedbuck. All of your senses come in to play when experiencing the African bush and a walking safari here can be most revealing. It is one of only two Ugandan national parks where Burchell’s zebra still occurs.

In addition to a game drive, many visitors enjoy a boat trip on Lake Mburo, the largest of the five lakes that lie within the park boundaries. The lake and lush fringing vegetation support healthy populations of buffalo, warthog, bushpig and hippopotamus. Birdwatchers will enjoy the more than 250 species of birds found in Lake Mburo, probably the best place in Uganda to see acacia-associated birds. Also of special interest to birders are the swamps, the place to see six so-called papyrus endemics, including the striking papyrus gonolek and the highly localized papyrus yellow warbler (recorded nowhere else in Uganda).

Distance from Kampala: 230km; estimated transit time: 3 hours.