Mbandu Complex, Nairobi, Kenya +254726929223 info@africacelebritytours.com

Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions at Africa Celebrity Tours and Travels Ltd

All bookings under a service agreement shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:

All invoices shall be due upon presentation. Queries in respect of specific invoices shall not affect immediate payment of any other outstanding amounts. Any amount payable by the client to the supplier in terms of this agreement and not paid on due date, shall accrue interest at 2% (two per centum) above prime bank overdraft rate as advised by the suppliers Bank. All bank charges incurred are for the account of the Client and will be billed accordingly.

Cancellation by Africa Celebrity Tours & Travels:
AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS reserves the right to cancel any booking forthwith and without liability on its part in the event of any damage to, per destruction of the allocated venues by fire, vis major, act of God, any shortage of labor or food supplies, strikes, lockouts, and industrial unrest, or any other causes beyond control of the supplier which shall prevent it from performing its obligations in connection with any booking. In these circumstances every effort will be made to accommodate the booking at another Establishment.

Neither AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS nor its agents or employees shall be liable for any damages or loss which may be caused to any of the goods of the client, it’s employees or invitees participating in the event for whatever reason, nor to any injury or loss of life to the client or its employees or invitees howsoever caused. The client further indemnifies and holds harmless the supplier against any claim that may be against the AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS by any third party relating to the provisions of the clause.

Client Liability:
The client shall be responsible for any damages caused to the allocated venues and supplied equipment, by any act or omission of the client or guests / employee of the client.

Alterations and amendments:
AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS shall be entitled to revise prices based on changes in airfares and/or land transport mentioned in our programs should conditions necessitate it, also concerning availabilities at the time of confirmation of reservation. Telecommunication and administration costs will be changed for amendments made after confirmation has been received. The prices and availabilities for hotels, car rental, bus companies, etc. proposed in our itineraries are correct on the date of proposal but may change by the time of confirmation. AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS will not be responsible for any changes made to prices or advertisements regarding hotels, car rentals, bus companies and will not be liable for misrepresentation, false or deceitful representations. AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS will endeavor to avoid this due to our good relations with the suppliers. However should this not be possible, then the cost will be passed on to you.

Service Agreement:
Any service agreement signed by both parties constitutes the whole agreement between the parties and no warranties or representations, whether express or implied not stated herein shall be binding on the parties. No agreement at variance with the terms and conditions herein shall be implied not stated herein shall be binding on the parties. No agreement at variance with the terms and conditions herein shall be binding on the parties unless reduced to writing and signed by or on behalf of the parties by duly authorized persons.

Reservations / Deposit / Final Payment.
30% deposit of the total estimated turnover is required to confirm reservations in order to secure the booking. No deposit will be made by AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS as confirmation of bookings to hotels, car rental companies, transportation companies, restaurants, etc. without prior receipt of this deposit.

Should AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS not receive the deposit in due time in order to secure the bookings, it cannot take responsibility for bookings cancelled by the suppliers concerned.
Full and final payment is due not later than 50 days prior to the arrival of the clients.
All prices are net of commission; any bank transfer costs incurred by AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS will be charged.
Upon confirmation of services, the client accepts AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS terms and conditions. The terms under which you agree to use Africa Celebrity Tours & Travels services cannot be changed.

Incentive and Leisure Groups:
A 20% deposit of the total estimated turnover is required to confirm all services ordered by the client. Should 20% not be sufficient to cover the required deposits by the suppliers, Africa Celebrity Tours & Travels reserves the right to request a higher percentage.

Should AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS not receive the deposit in due time in order to secure the bookings, it cannot take responsibility for bookings cancelled by the suppliers concerned.
A further 50% deposit of the total estimated turnover is required 3 months prior to their arrival and full prepayment of the remainder due is required prior to arrival, together with the rooming-list and the special request list. Should the payment not be received within the stipulated periods, AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS reserves the right to cancel the services.
All prices are net of commission; any bank transfer costs incurred by AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS will be charged.
Upon confirmation of services, the client accepts AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS terms and conditions. The terms under which you agree to use Africa Celebrity Tours & Travels services cannot be changed.

Credit Card Payments:
Payment by Credit Card will be subject to a credit card swipe fee of 4% for all major credit cards, except for American Express, which will be subject to a credit card swipe fee of 5%. Credit Card payments will only be processed upon receipt of the completed & signed credit card authorization form, which must be accompanied by signed copies of the front & back of the respective credit card as well as a signed copy of the card-holder’s passport/ID Document.

Africa Celebrity Tours & Travels reserves the right to decline payments by credit card.

Cancellations / Reductions:
In the event of cancellation or variation of services for whatever reasons we shall be entitled to charge cancellation fees as hereunder:
Cancellations received between 59 days and 36 days prior to commencement of services shall be charged 25% of the total cost of services.
Cancellations received between 35 days and 20 days prior to the commencement of services shall be charged 50% of the total cost of services.
Cancellations received between 19 days and 6 days prior to the commencement of services shall be charged 70% of the total cost of services.
Cancellations received between 5 days and day of arrival or after commencement of services shall be charged 100% of Total Cost of tour arrangements.

We will do all in our power to keep cancellation charges at a minimum but cannot guarantee that the concerned suppliers will always give a positive response.

Applicable booking and payment conditions, deposits as well as cancellation policies of suppliers are available on request.

For your information:

The company acts as a booking agent for hotels, airlines, air charters, bus companies, ground transportation, restaurants, and/or other services. Each of these companies is an independent corporation with its own management and is not subject to the control of AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS.

All bookings like those described above are accepted by the company, as agent for independent companies because the company does not have the right to control the operations of the independent suppliers it cannot be held liable for any personal injury, property damage or alteration to accommodation made subsequent to the booking.

Force majeure:
‘FORCE MAJEURE’ means, in relation to the company, any circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the company, including, but without limitation, acts of God, explosion, flood, tempest, fire or accident, war or threat of war, sabotage, insurrection, civil disturbance, or requisition, sickness quarantine, government intervention, weather conditions or other untoward occurrences.

If the company or the representative thereof is affected by FORCE MAJEURE it shall forthwith notify you of the nature and extent thereof.
The company shall not be deemed to be in breach of these terms and conditions or otherwise be liable to you, by reason of delay in performance, or by non-performance, of any of its obligations hereunder to the extent that any such delay or non-performance is due to any FORCE MAJEURE.

If the company is affected by FORCE MAJEURE it shall be entitled to, and may in its sole and absolute discretion, vary or cancel any itinerary or arrangement in relation to the trip. Payment of any refund by the company’s obligations hereunder shall remain in its sole and absolute discretion, although the company shall use its reasonable endeavours to reimburse you where possible. However, the company shall be entitled to deduct from any refund recoverable actual and potential costs incurred by the company due to the FORCE MAJEURE.

Surcharges and rates:
Although the company hopes that it will not need to levy surcharges it reserves the right to do so on the invoice amount, if this becomes necessary.

The company shall notify you in writing as soon as it is aware of any likely surcharges and you must pay the amount of such surcharge. If the surcharge is not paid, the company may construe such non-payment as an act of cancellation on your part.

Rates used in the programs are based on tariffs and exchange rates valid at the time of printing or as mentioned. The company reserves the right to recalculate the tour costs and apply the differential as a surcharge. Any refund made by the company shall be at its sole and absolute discretion.

AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS agrees to hold all data and information related to the tour series, and client or its clients or their participants/attendee data and information (including without limitation to financial data, pricing and costs, personal identifiable information, programmed content, client’s client information and participant/attendee information) in strict confidence. Such data and information may not be used, accessed, disclosed, transferred or transmitted by AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS to any third party without the prior written approval of the client and provided that such third party has signed a confidentiality agreement with requirements at least as stringent as those contained herein and such use, access, disclosure, transfer or transmittal of data and information is only for the benefit of the client in connection with performing service.

AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS agrees to immediately notify the client of any known misappropriation, or un-authorized disclosure, access or use of any data and information by a person or entity of such data or information or breach of security internal to AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS that has exposed the client data and information to un-authorized individuals. Such notification will be made by AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS via telephone and email detailing the known facts of the incident. AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS will update the client on a daily basis and take all steps requested by client to limit, stop, or otherwise remedy such misappropriation or un-authorized disclosure, access.

Legal Recourse:
AFRICA CELEBRITY TOURS & TRAVELS agrees to notify the client in writing of any intention to make contact with any third party, should the client fall behind in payments due as per this agreement procedure. This notice to the client will give the client five days to rectify the payment lapse, failing which the supplier will make what contacts it sees fit to protect its financial exposure and to provide to the third party whatever information it may require to assist in rectifying the payment agreement. The client and the supplier will do all that is possible to avoid this necessity. The client further understands and agrees that should the payments outstanding reach an amount in excess of US$ 1,000.00 then any further services may, at the supplier/s total discretion, be refused, until the payments compliant to this agreement have been made.

Travel documents and vaccinations:
All passengers require a passport valid for at least the duration of your trip. Passengers should check with the specific embassies or consulates for their visa requirements.
Visa requirements are subject to change without notice and we recommend you check with the appropriate embassy or consulate for current information. Passengers are responsible for ensuring they have the correct visas and documents.
Malaria is endemic to these regions of Africa and precautions must be taken.
We recommend you visit your primary physician or local travel clinic to review any medications or recommended inoculations. Be sure to carry your inoculation certificate with you as proof of inoculations. If you are concerned about taking any medications, check with your physician before you book your trip.

Special requests:
You must advise the company in writing of any special requests, e.g. diet, facility or physical handicap, when you submit your reservation to the company. The company will meet with such requests, if possible. Please note that any indulgence shown to you shall not constitute a waiver or notation of the supplier’s rights.

Information in the brochure:
All information given in the company’s brochures is to the company’s knowledge, correct at the time of going to press but the company reserves the right to change some. All changes will be within a reasonable period of time and be brought to the attention of the client. The photographs reproduced and information provided in this brochure depict typical scenes experienced and details on each destination, but the subject matter may not necessarily be seen or experienced while visiting that destination.

The company reserves the right without further notice to make use of any photography or film taken on the trip by our staff for general purposes without payment or permission.

In the unlikely event that a tour member has a dispute whilst on safari, this must immediately be brought to the attention (and put on record) of the local representative, hotel, Lodge or camp management. It is likely that the tour members’ complaint will be satisfactorily resolved there and then. If, however, this is not the case and the tour member wishes to pursue the matter on their return from safari, it is essential the complaint be communicated in writing to Africa Celebrity Tours & Travels Ltd within 21 days of the end of the tour quoting tour reference, destination and Departure date. Africa Celebrity Tours & Travels Ltd cannot accept responsibility of any complaints which are not notified entirely in accordance to this clause.